Snow Fall

Check out this New York Times multimedia piece about skiers and snowboards trapped by an avalanche. It’s an interesting, somewhat-new approach that, as one writer at Poynter put it, “tells the story through text, photos, videos and interactive graphics that blend seamlessly and come alive on the Web page.”

I read this in the middle of a family snowboarding trip to Jackson Hole, Wyo., right after the resort received about a foot of fresh snow. Days later, as we rode the chairlifts, the gondola and the tram, we could look up at the rocky cliffs above us and still see giant patches of white snow pocked with black spots — leftovers of dynamite the ski patrol set off to cause controlled mini-avalanches and protect everyone at the resort.

The Way Home: Returning to the National Parks


“Although our national parks belong to all Americans, it’s a sad fact that very few people of color ever set foot in some of our country’s most beautiful places.”

We watched this multimedia piece by the National Parks Conservation Association in my visual journalism class today. Not only is it an example of a well done video, it’s also about so many things I love — history, social justice, nature, healing. And it’s illuminating for me as a TRiP leader, because our outdoor adventure organization struggles to attract people of color and other people historically marginalized for various reasons.
Learn more about efforts to bring more diverse visitors to the parks.